Holy Trinity CE Infant and Nursery
’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’. Luke 10:27
Holy Trinity CE Infant School is located in the City of Ripon. The school is part of a two-school partnership with Holy Trinity CE Junior School which is on a separate site 200 metres from the Infants. The schools have an Executive Head, Mrs Sue Sanderson and a shared Local Academy Council, made up of parents, staff, foundation governors including the incumbent of the local church and community governors, chaired by Mr Adam Kitching.
The curriculum is bespoke to the school and all work is planned across both sites by experienced curriculum leaders.
Executive Headteacher: Mrs Sue Sanderson
Chair of Governors: Adam Kitching
Date of Joining: 1st September 2022
School type: Primary (3-11)
Local Authority: North Yorkshire
Address: Holy Trinity Church of England Infant School,
Trinity Lane, Ripon HG4 2AL
Contact number: 01765 602858
Key Contact: Mrs Zara Satariano
Email: admin@htceschools.co.uk
Website: https://www.htjce.co.uk/
Supplemental Funding Agreement: Holy Trinity Infants SFA