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Christ Church CE Primary School

'Life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)

Christ Church CE Primary School is located in the centre of Skipton, in the Craven district of North Yorkshire. The school has a long and rich history having been in existence since 1893 and has strong and close relationships with the local church and community.

The school has a teaching Head, Mrs Diane Cooper and a Local Academy Council made up of parents, staff, foundation governors including the incumbent of the local church and community governors, chaired by Dr Kate Ward.

The school benefits from working collaboratively with other schools in the Trust to ensure high quality teaching across all curriculum subjects; however, the curriculum is bespoke to the school meeting the specific needs of the children within its five classes. All Christ Church children have their own class teachers.

Headteacher:  Mrs D Cooper

Chair of Governors:  Dr Kate Ward

Date of Joining:  1 January 2024

School Type:  Primary (4-11)

Local Authority:  North Yorkshire

Address:  Christ Church CE Primary School, Craven Street, Skipton,

North Yorkshire, BD23 2AP

Contact number:  01756 793030

Contact:  Mrs Arbuthnott

Contact email address:

Website link:

Supplemental Funding Agreement: Christ Church SFA

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